Create paint splatters in Affinity Photo tutorial

Paint splatters

How to create paint splatters in Affinity Photo. You can create very basic paint splatters by using the splatter brushes found in the brushes panel. The video requires a basic splatter of 'paint' over the image in the first place so use the brush strokes with different sizes and also use different color swatches

The thrust of the tutorial uses duplication of the layers and then using the live projection feature to rotate and move the current layer around and once you have found a beautiful amount of paint splatter in the layer you can then 'freeze' it via the rasterize command. Once you have done that, you can then go to to the layers panel and change the blending mode to difference or lighten or darken etc and then continue with the duplicate / projection / rasterize / blend approach. Once you are happy with your layers you can then flatten them by using the layer menu merge visible and this can then be duplicated and modified by the projection etc in Affinity Photo. You can also add additional paint splatters as well as change the layers with effects. All kinds of unique paint splatters can then be created and the results can be exported to other applications such as in PSD or PNG format. The result can be re-colored, turned into black and white etc as required


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